FAQs: 2022

What is OCR?

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology plays a crucial role in converting scanned paper documents into editable and searchable digital files. By utilizing OCR, all text content within the scanned documents is extracted and transformed into machine-readable data. This data can then be stored in a format that allows for easy searching and retrieval of specific information.

When OCR is applied to a document, it essentially "reads" the text on the page and converts it into a digital format that can be manipulated and managed electronically. This process enables the creation of searchable PDF files, where the text content is not just an image but actual selectable and searchable text. This means that users can easily locate specific words or phrases within the document by performing a simple search, greatly enhancing the efficiency and usability of the digitized content.

In addition to making documents searchable, OCR also enables various other functionalities such as text editing, copying, and pasting from scanned documents. This not only saves time but also eliminates the need for manual transcription of text, reducing the likelihood of errors and improving overall productivity.

Overall, OCR technology revolutionizes the way paper documents are digitized and managed, offering enhanced accessibility and usability of textual information.


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