Employee Enablement FAQ

What is Employee Enablement?

Every Worker Enablement engagement is designed and implemented to fit the specific needs of the organization; however, our framework serves as a universal guide to success on your terms:

• Align stakeholders to a definition of productivity and worker enablement that fits your business and your portfolio.

• Translate your definition into a set of performance metrics.

• Assess and score your facilities for opportunities in worker enablement, creating internal and external benchmarks.

• Develop a toolkit for engaging and empowering workers and measuring results.

• Design and deploy green teams, facilities upgrades, workplace strategies, technology platforms, hospitality programs, and other initiatives that enable workers to be more productive.

• Reinforce goals throughout implementation via employee communications and training, feedback loops to improve processes, and progress reports to stakeholders.

• Measure results against metrics, and adjust goals and strategies as needed.



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